Thanks to the evolution of audio recording technology, I can command a digital symphony, blend it with live artists, and bring ancient timeless messages to life, such as turning the famous story of Ruth and Naomi… “Whither thou goest, I will go” … into a musical experience where you hear and feel these two lovely women interact.

At there are many samples of songs I have composed, orchestrated, and recorded, using the words from ancient texts as the lyrics. This is my passion and the most important permanent legacy I can create.

Today, we say, “I cried,” and in Hebrew poetic imagery we find, “My eyes water my pillow by night,” or phrases like, “O, that I were an angel and could have the wish of my heart.”  No one talks like that anymore…  and set to music it is refreshed for renewed appreciation and enhanced feeling.

One-Time Donations

Any donation amount to support my unique art form will be greatly appreciated and help the work expand. There are so many wonderful passages that can be brought to life.  With additional funding, I can accelerate the work. I have been working on this project in my spare time since 1994.  Thank you for your consideration of a one-time donation of any amount.

A Patronage Subscription

In studying the scriptures to produce this body of work, I have gained unusual insights. I have stories to tell about the stories told… as well as the nuances in, “The Making of…”

For subscription patrons of any amount per month, I will periodically share short stories on the source lyrics and music I create, and let you see, hear, and even participate in their evolution. Your monthly contribution will allow me to speed up the development on scores of songs and help fund the costs of production.

Conclusion… and Beginning…

I am bringing something good and unique into a diverse and connected world.  With your support, I can bring much more… and share the joy of doing so with you, if you like. Thank you for your time and consideration of a one-time donation or patronage subscription.

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